Estonian people are used to extreme heat therapy called a sauna, but the idea of light with its healing abilities is rarely used. In this sauna, instead of heat we have a room full of powerful light. People are allowed to go inside and sit on a bench to take a session of light therapy to treat all the dark November moods.
Light Sauna exhibited in Tartu.
Idea, design, construction: Timo Toots
Engineering: Triinu Olm, Roomet Raig
Construction: Kaarel Narro, Eero Liiva
Thanks Welement, Raitwood, Ledshop, Tartu Valgus, Kalev Toots, Jarmo Võsa, Lauri Tuulberg, Pent Talvet, Karli Kontkar, Ivar Dembovski, Rainer Kala